
Welcome to my As foundation portfolio blog. Here you will find research and planning, construction evidence and evaluation for my coursework project.

Tuesday, 24 January 2012

Primary Audience Research

I constructed some primary audience research in order to find out what appeals to my target audience, to discover flaws or potential improvements that could be made to my magazines genre and to identify and gaps in the market and place a refreshing new twist on the genre.

These are the chosen products that i conducted my research on. These are the questions i asked.
  1. What do you think about the house style?
  2. Do you find the contents page easy to navigate, why?
  3. Do you find the article engaging, why?
  4. What do you like about the images in the article?
  5. What first attracted you to the magazine?
  6. What are 3 things you like about the magazine?
  7. What are 3 things you would improve on the magazine?
  8. What do you like about the images used on the front cover?
  9. Do you feel that all the pages have the same house style?
  10. What genre of music appeals to you?
Here are my videos.

I picked up these points from what people in my class said about the magazine I showed them. For question number 1, they said that it has a good house style as it uses the same font which makes it easier to read. The magazine does not use the red house style on double page. They liked it as it shows the violence with white and red, which makes it stand out more. Question number 2 said that yes it was useful to find what they wanted to look at and find what they are interested in; it has banners to limit down what you are looking for, so you know the topic you want to find. The banners are very useful to navigate through the magazine using the contents page. They said that the article was engaging as it was informative and the title stood out from the rest of the magazine and made it look like you would want to read it, as it was different to the normal layout. The images in the article were   interesting, Lilly Allen-shows off her personality drawing you in to the article. The contents page did not seem as interesting, but the cover is appealing with using the correct images, the double page spread image shows spontaneity and she not trying to get the attention with looks. The first thing that attracted them to the magazine were the front cover, the artists, because of the way he was stood as it is not like normal pictures you would see in a magazine, so it attracts the Indi audience more. Things they liked about the magazine were the sub titles on cover, the contents page layout, because you can navigate easily. They also liked the font used on double page spread. The main image on the cover because it was eye catching. The things they would look at improving on the magazine was the layout of the front cover page, as it is too overpowering by using to many things, and making it look to cluttered, and they would try to keep the house style more throughout the magazine so you could easily tell which magazine they were from. The colours change on the house style, so that you cannot easily tell that they are all from the same magazine. The type of music that these people are interested in is charts, Indi pop and rock, which makes them good people to look at the magazine I have chosen.

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