
Welcome to my As foundation portfolio blog. Here you will find research and planning, construction evidence and evaluation for my coursework project.

Tuesday, 31 January 2012

Peer assesment of Flat Plans and Ideas.

Peer Feedback;
  • Use of too many pictures.
  • The layout of the front cover is effective.
  •  Need to change my colour scheme to fit my genre.
  • Change fonts, by making them more of a house style and connecting them to my genre.
  • Use images that will relate more to the topic and genre of the magazine, i will do this by making sure i know what my main sell line will be and then create and image that will relate more to that.
Improvements i am going to make;
  • I will cut down on the amount of images i have used on all of my pages and make the larger images more bold and eye catching.
  • I will change some of the images and graphics to match my genre.
  • I will change my colour scheme to use bolder and more eye catching colours for my target audience.
  • I will make sure i use the space i have to add more sell lines, and interesting things that will attract my target audience more.
  • I will make sure my images are ranged but still have the same genre.
  • I will use different shots, on my front cover i will use a medium close up shot on my front cover, in my contents page i will change the main image i have used and use a group of people instead in a high angle full length shot. This means that it will show a variety of shots in my magazine which will interest my audience and attract them to my magazine.

Monday, 30 January 2012

My Flat Plans

This will appeal to my audience because it will attract them with the first image, which will show the models expression. I have used yellow and black lines to attract the audience, as this shows caution which will attract them to this so they will read it.

For my double page spread this will entice my audience as it is in the middle of the page which will immediately attract them to the image, i have used quotes at the bottom of the page sp they can easily see what sort of answers are in the article to see if they want to read on.
My contents page will have a poster instead of a model so they can easily see what is going on, the layout is easy for them to follow with sub titles so they can see what part of the magazine they would like to look at first.

Tuesday, 24 January 2012

Primary Audience Research

I constructed some primary audience research in order to find out what appeals to my target audience, to discover flaws or potential improvements that could be made to my magazines genre and to identify and gaps in the market and place a refreshing new twist on the genre.

These are the chosen products that i conducted my research on. These are the questions i asked.
  1. What do you think about the house style?
  2. Do you find the contents page easy to navigate, why?
  3. Do you find the article engaging, why?
  4. What do you like about the images in the article?
  5. What first attracted you to the magazine?
  6. What are 3 things you like about the magazine?
  7. What are 3 things you would improve on the magazine?
  8. What do you like about the images used on the front cover?
  9. Do you feel that all the pages have the same house style?
  10. What genre of music appeals to you?
Here are my videos.

I picked up these points from what people in my class said about the magazine I showed them. For question number 1, they said that it has a good house style as it uses the same font which makes it easier to read. The magazine does not use the red house style on double page. They liked it as it shows the violence with white and red, which makes it stand out more. Question number 2 said that yes it was useful to find what they wanted to look at and find what they are interested in; it has banners to limit down what you are looking for, so you know the topic you want to find. The banners are very useful to navigate through the magazine using the contents page. They said that the article was engaging as it was informative and the title stood out from the rest of the magazine and made it look like you would want to read it, as it was different to the normal layout. The images in the article were   interesting, Lilly Allen-shows off her personality drawing you in to the article. The contents page did not seem as interesting, but the cover is appealing with using the correct images, the double page spread image shows spontaneity and she not trying to get the attention with looks. The first thing that attracted them to the magazine were the front cover, the artists, because of the way he was stood as it is not like normal pictures you would see in a magazine, so it attracts the Indi audience more. Things they liked about the magazine were the sub titles on cover, the contents page layout, because you can navigate easily. They also liked the font used on double page spread. The main image on the cover because it was eye catching. The things they would look at improving on the magazine was the layout of the front cover page, as it is too overpowering by using to many things, and making it look to cluttered, and they would try to keep the house style more throughout the magazine so you could easily tell which magazine they were from. The colours change on the house style, so that you cannot easily tell that they are all from the same magazine. The type of music that these people are interested in is charts, Indi pop and rock, which makes them good people to look at the magazine I have chosen.

Monday, 23 January 2012

Impact of target audience on my work

This is my intended target audience for my magazine.
  • Age= 14-20
  • Gender= Both
  • Social Class= College and university Students.
  • Hobbies= Music, Festivals, Gigs and Chart music.
  • Media influences= Social networking sites, TV dramas
I will make sure my magazine suits my target audience, and will have the correct colours to grab their attention, and use the correct pictures which will attract them to read the magazine. I will use vocabulary that my target audience will understand and use.

Secondary Audience Research

NME Magazine

NME aims for an older target audience which is around the age of 24. NME’s audience is mainly for males but has a lot of female readers;
MALE (69%)
Female (31%)
NME’s magazine is sold for more than Kerrangs, which shows that NME is made for more of the middle class and is aimed at the people with more money to spend on the magazine. NME’s layout looks more expensive and organised compared to Kerrangs which shows the price difference and that it is correct to differ the price and not compete against each other for price.

Kerrang! Magazine
My magazine music will be based on Charts music, there are the same sort of ideas in some of the magazines i have researched and i will use these to help me in developing my own magazine. 
Kerrang magazine is one of the magazines that will help me to develop my own magazine.

I have studied this profile and have found out that the target age for Kerrang magazine iis 19 years of age, which fits into my magazine target age. Kerrang has a more male target, but is for female viewing as well. As I want to target both male and females I will alternate with female and male artist for my main image. Both a male and female artist can be good for either sex, they can either have the sex appeal or the inspirational appeal.

Most readers use their income or money on:
- Music - on average purchasing around 31 albums a year
- Gig tickets,
- Active consumers of clothing, mainly brands which favourite their age range and style 'tribe',
- Gaming and the latest technologies eg. the iPod - in which their passionate side for music is consumed,
- 58% say appearance is the most important factor. 

Friday, 20 January 2012

Research into institutions that distribute similar products

Bauer Media
Bauer Media makes 48 magazines.
Bauer Media produce a range of magazines ranging from, Music magazines, gold magazines, gardening magazines, bird watching magazines and others.
Bauer Media have a larger range of magazines but also own 41 radio stations.
Some of Bauer Medias larger magazines that they own are,
 Kerrang,
 Zoo,
 Heat
Bauer Media own more than one magazine so they can make more profit as it targest different audiences, which just one type of magazine would not cover.

NME is owned and published by IPC media.
Details about NME magazine can be found here - 23/1/12 - http://www.mediauk.com/magazines/36168/nme

IPC Media own the following titles - 23/1/12 - http://www.mediauk.com/owners/40/ipc-media
Link to IPC Media's official website - 23/1/12 - http://www.ipcmedia.com

IPC Media has 64 magazines. IPC have a variety of different types of magazines ranging from, Music magazines, mountain biking magazines, caravan magazines and more. IPC do not own radio stations like Bauer Media. Some of their large titles are;
 NME,
 Nuts,
 Pick me up,
 Rugby World,
 Now, and more.
They can make more profit by having a wide range of genre magazines.

Wednesday, 18 January 2012

Ideas & Feedback

I am going to make a music magazine, which will be aimed at males and females, the age group i am trying to aim at is 14-20 years old, and anyone else who is interested. I will use colours and fonts to suite my target market and draw their attention to my magazine. My magazine is for people who like Charts music and like the new releases and up to date songs. I have chosen to make my magazine on chart music as i enjoy and listen to it, and i know there is a large market out there as a lot of people like this sort of music. My magazine will be catchy and stand out from others with presentation and information, it will keep my readers up to date with the charts and all the music gossip around it.

Textual Analysis

Print Brief


Preliminary exercise: using DTP and an image manipulation program, produce the front page of a new school/college magazine, featuring a photograph of a student in medium close-up plus some appropriately laid-out text and a masthead. Additionally candidates must produce a DTP mock-up of the layout of the contents page to demonstrate their grasp of the program.

Main task: the front page, contents and double page spread of a new music magazine.
All images and text used must be original, produced by the candidate, minimum of FOUR images per candidate.