This is my front cover
I have used the QEcollege colours so that people will know what college they are about and they will grab your eys as you see it and represent it with your college colours which will therefore make you buy it for interest of what is going on at your college.
I have used the title 'Freshers Edition' as i know that it is a topic people are interested in and they want to know more about it, and quiet easily can see by my front cover that they will be interested in it as it has a topic in there that interests them.
I thought it would be a good idea to show the main points of the bulletin on the side so without making it hard for people to stop and search for a page they can straight away see what is going on in the bulletin.
I though by showing that they get a free gift inside would entise people even more to buy the magazine and read it.
This is my Contents page.
I have used the same house style as my front cover so you clearly see that it is part of the same magazine.
I have utilised my photograph that i took of mine and my oartners shoes, and have made them an effective border by edditing them in photoshop.