
Welcome to my As foundation portfolio blog. Here you will find research and planning, construction evidence and evaluation for my coursework project.

Sunday, 25 March 2012

My Article

The new artist Eve Kingston, has taken a rollercoaster ride to the top of the charts for the past few months, and we are here to learn a bit more about her, and all the nitty gritty gossip you just love to know!
So, Eve, how old were you when you first became interested in music?
I first became interested in music when I was 8 years old, and my dad had brought a guitar for mum to play on, and she started to teach me the chords, and after that, you could never stop me playing and singing.
How is celebrity life treating you?
It’s different, and hard to explain, people think that it must be amazing because everyone loves you, but there is a lot of stress involved, and you cannot always do what you want to do, as you know everyone is out to watch you.
Did you ever think you could get this far in a music career?
Never, it was always a dream of mine, but you never think it is really going to happen, you always think it happens to all the pretty girls who have everything when they are younger and for it to happen to someone who has had a ‘challenging’ up-bringing, and it’s really amazing.
Do you feel that your music has changed now that you are a celebrity?
My music will never change, I try to keep it the same, as that shows me, and if people don’t like it then that is fine, they are all entitled to their own opinion.
Who were your early inspirations?
When I was younger I used to listen to all the old songs, so my inspirations would be people such as Blondie, I always listened to other music, but would my own twist on it.
The important question, everyone wants to know the answer too, how is your love life?
Oh, my love life, every magazine wants to know about this! So this will be the first magazine I will tell, I am in a relationship, and have been for 8 years now, I am amazed that I kept it so long from the gossip word.
What an achievement for you! Have any of your relationships inspired any of your songs?
Yes definitely, my boyfriend now, Carl, he was my first ever boyfriend when I was 6, it was one of the playground jokes, but we stayed together, and that lasted an amazing year and a half! He helped me through a lot and I wrote songs about that, most of my songs have something about him, as he is my life, and I would not be here now, if it was not for him.
What advice would you give people, who are just trying to start out into the music industry?
It’s tough, that’s all I can really say...I got taken in by someone who liked the style of songs I do, just go to a lot of open mic nights and really push yourself.
Do you have supportive family and friends backing you?
Yes, I do, I don’t think that anyone could get this far, especially in the music industry without a support behind you, like I have.
What was your childhood like?
I had a ‘different’ childhood, me, my mum and dad lived in a council flat, and I never thought I would get out of there, my life started to go off the rails, mainly due to my mum’s bad life style, when I was 7 years old she walked out on me, when my dad way away at work, the only people there for me was Carl and his family, they looked after me, until my Dad returned and then social services came around as my dad needed to work away, and could not support me, I got taken in by a foster home, and lived there till I was 18, then I moved in with Carl and tried to get my life back on track with my music.
We are so sorry to hear that, how did you get over it?
I played, that was my answer, I had Carl by my side through everything, and also my Dad, we are very close and he has supported me, and given me everything he was capable of giving me.